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  • Writer's pictureJustin .D

Mayor, Shawn Hazelwood Resigns from position

With all the action revolving the Sandy Shores Mayor lately. It's come with no surprise that Mr. Hazelwood has finally resigned after his latest hospitalization. If you haven't read our latest article. The mayor is yet again under attack and is at this point hospitalized once again after being shot at the mission row police department, late yesterday evening after a long fight with a terrorist organization. There have been reports of over 3 downed FBI agents, along with over 8 State Troopers in critical condition. 2 Suspects are now in custody, along with one still at large. Unfortunately, our ground team failed to capture over 2 hours worth of footage due to "The State" being "DDOS ed". Mr Hazelwood is still in critical care, but he has put his resignation letter in. He has this to say: "Hello citizens of Blaine County. My name is Carl Davis, I am the surgeon that operated on Mr. Hazlewood. He has awoken from surgery, and while he is not able to speak at the moment he has written us a paragraph that he’d like us to give to you. Hello my fellow citizens of Blaine County. I know that the events that have unfolded over the past 2 weeks have been severely concerning, but I have news to share with you guys regarding my position as Mayor within Blaine County. Effective today at 6:30pm CST I have tendered my resignation as the Mayor of Blaine County. I know this may come as a shock to you, but I have been informed by my security and legal team that me remaining in the Mayoral Seat could cause a danger to my life and those around me. It breaks my heart to have to do this, and I have loved working with the departments in the area and overall making Blaine County a better place to be. Both suspects involved in the attempted assassination have been captured, and sentenced to prison. I can’t give much information about the incident, I believe FIB will be releasing a statement on it soon. Thank you all for my time as Mayor within Blaine County, and I look forward to seeing how far Blaine County goes."

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