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  • Writer's pictureJustin .D

Multiple attacks on Federal Invesigation Bureau employee's

On Monday, July 27th, Multiple attacks on Federal employee's of the FIB have been delievered by a number of unknown suspects, with a confirmed count of 2 dead FIB members. The first attack, on Mrs. Emily Stevenson Head of Affairs of the FIB was laucnhed at 9:21 PM that evening. Stevenson was reported going home, after a stressful night until she realised she was being followed. Agent Stevenson then called in the suspision. Not to long after, a federal servent came to Stevensons location. Gun fire exchanged when the FIB unit made contact with the suspect on Davis Ave. Emily was quick to hit her panic button, and exchange shots with the suspect. Unfortunately the federal unit was rolled on its top, and the driver FIB employee was gunned down by the suspect. His name will be kept anonymous at this time. Colonel Shawn Hazlewood was quick to respond and also took fire from the suspect. The suspect has not been confirmed located by the SASP, but more information on the story will be published as more information on the story develops. The second attack once again on Mrs. Stevenson the following day was launch at the Motor Sales store in Strawberry whilst she was bringing her car in for repairs. Agent Stevenson was occupied by another agent at the time of the attack. A black van pulled up to the scene and Agent stevenson was quick to press her panic button upon noticing the van. The van's occupants both got out of the vehicle and instantly opened fire on Mrs. Stevensons vehicle, striking here 3 times in the shoulder, and once in the back. Unfortunately her partner was killed instantly by the gunfire. Both occupants fleed the scene quickly, and by the looks of the video survailence, there wasn't meant to be shots fired by the suspects. The FIB have reasons to believe that the attack was not planned by the same people that have planned the first attack. Instead planned on kidnapping the Agent, but did not realize she was occupied by another FIB agent. Emily Stevenson is now currently in critical care in a unknown medical facility, but expects to make a slow but complete recovery. The FIB made a discovery of the same van used in the assault located in east Los Santos burnt to a crisp. The FIB have claimed multiple clues of interest including a note stating that the Agent was not meant to be kidnapped. The FIB will continue to monitor the story and keep us updated on the incident, anyone with information is requested to come forward directly to the FIB.

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